Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hey Ya

Borrowing the idea from friends of ours (check out the Minnesota LeGaults if you have time),we, the newly formed Corcoran family, have decided to start our own blog. Not only will it be a way for us to keep family and friends updated, but it also fulfills my ulterior motive of getting myself back to writing. It's been awhile and my skills are rusty, but hopefully through my goal of semi-continuous writing on this thing, I will whip myself back into shape.

So! How do we begin? Ryan moved to Minnesota in October 2010 for a job. Ryan and I got married July 30th. I found out I had a job August 3rd and we are now married, fully employed people living in a very tiny studio apartment. Someday when I am less tired, I will start documenting our new life together in the great state of Minnesota. Until then, keep calm, carry on.

OH! And check out this video, it's the inspiration for the post title: