Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Not So Lucky

You can't tell from this picture, but our foster dog Lucky had an issue with guys. 

Lucky would be fine when I was home. Below  is a picture of him all curled up in my lap. We knew he was much more cuddly with me, and we knew there was probably issues because when he had come in to the shelter he had bb gun pellets stuck in his leg. Now we, and the shelter, are guessing that a guy hit him with those pellets. Hence the freak out session when I stayed at an event at work, and Ryan was left alone with him for the first time. 

So we said goodbye to Lucky. We are fairly sure that we are going to wait on the dog issue until we have a house. We are too heartbroken and we are enjoying our freedom too much to attempt to get another dog. I would like to thank our friend Autumn for helping to give us some advice and help us make the right decision. You are our official dog guru. 

So how are we doing? Based on today I would give the following ratings to these 2 different areas in my life:
Love: 10
Work: 5

Work is not fun for me right now. As of today I am incredibly frustrated, and we'll see what happens. I am praying to Krishna that things get better. 

Ryan rates it this way:
Work: 8

Work is going much better for Ryan. So even though I'm frustrated, the lesson is here is that love conquers all. I think....either way we are enjoying our life and feeling blessed to have what we do. I am honestly probably giving work a low rating based on a singular event and am therefore being unfair. We all have good days and bad days, and today just wasn't that great. 

I wish my writing was better. Take that last sentence. That is pitiful and wrong. However I am too tired to fix this entry and make it better. Hopefully as the year progresses, I will be able to make the steps towards being a better writer. It's my unofficial new years resolution. 

In the meantime. 

Keep calm, carry on. 

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