Sunday, April 15, 2012

Top Gear and Video Games

As Ryan played Tiger Woods Golf version 300 (I have no idea which version it is, I just feel like there are a lot of them), I finally had control of the remote and what did I watch? Top Gear. Having recently found out that we actually get BBC America, our television viewing has changed drastically to daily marathons of Top Gear when we aren't walking the doggie, or making posts on my non-profit's twitter account. (!/DARTS_MN ). 

Have I said that yet? I am the official twitter voice for my non-profit. Which considering that this is my first time even using twitter, is pretty amazing. 

Anyway, back to the subject at hand. I am currently watching a Porsche trying to beat a VW Beetle that is falling from the sky. This is the kind of amazing oddness that happens on Top Gear. And I just can't get enough. Especially when they keep showing the Bolivia episode, which is one of my all time favorites. 

We are currently under a Tornado Watch and Ryan just called to say he is on his way home from band practice, so I need to go get dinner ready. Next time I plan on talking about a new subject that has taken up prominence in my life, caregiving. Until next time. 

Keep Calm. 
Carry On. 

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