Monday, September 5, 2011

Going to the fair, going to the fair, going to the Northwest Mi....I mean....Minnesota State Fair.

You might be from Michigan if you know the classic jingle for the Northwest Michigan fair. Sadly, there is no youtube documentation of this song. I call out to you Northwest Michigan Fair to put this commercial up, because it has been searched enough to come up on both youtube's site and google. I'm just saying. Missed opportunity.

We have never been to the Northwest Michigan fair, but today, on Labor Day, we made it to the Minnesota State Fair with some friends of ours. When we got there, I am so glad we came with them, because this thing is huge. We got there at 12 and left around 5:00 and did not see half of the fair. It's not a one day trip unless you run, and barely see anything. The key is to have a plan and know what you want. For instance:
 Our friend Gen's daughter wanted to go on the rides, and Ryan likes rides too, so we went to the ride section of the fair and hung out for awhile. This is sounding a lot like Dick and Jane isn't it? We could make a storybook! Ryan and Stephanie go to the fair! Anyway, Gen's daughter and Ryan got smooshed (I don't care if you don't think that's a word auto correct!), in a spaceship 3000 ride and Gen and her daughter went on this awesome swing thing:

I went for tamer rides such as the BIG SLIDE, which we don't have pictures of, because I had the camera and you can't take pictures while you are sliding down the BIG SLIDE! I'm so hardcore. 

Ryan also knew that he wanted a fried candy bar. See next photo:

That is a deep fried snickers bar. Which Ryan later said felt like lead in his stomach. But while he was eating it he said it was the greatest thing ever and incredibly delicious. Also notice that his zip up hoodie is around his neck now. It got much hotter as the day went on. Mostly due to the crush of people that came in for afternoon festivities.

I should mention that we did not drive to the fair. It's much easier to take the express bus from any number of locations. In our case, Eagan, and go from there. It's only 5 bucks. It saves you driving through traffic and paying for parking. Best 5 bucks ever spent.

If you have noticed that my writing is not very quality today it's because I know I have to get up at 6 tomorrow morning, and I am incredibly distracted by this fact. But we wanted to update the blog and let people know about the fair and the fun times we had. So I will leave you with the single, solitary picture that exists of me at the fair:
This is a good photo in that it shows the grand stand where Maroon 5 and Train were playing that night. Good line up if you ask me. Until next time. Keep calm. Carry on.

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